
6 nights | 5 days


Upon arrival in Salta, transfer from Salta Airport to Design Suites SaltaHotel.

Rest of the day at leisure to explore the city.

Accommodation in Design Suites Salta Hotel, Junior Suite Double Room

Meals: none.



Breakfast at hotel.

Shopping Tour

First, a stop in a textile shop, Luracatao, here, the barracanes and woven fabrics have long attracted for its quality. The next stop will be in a goldsmith, to appreciate in detail the work in silver and nickel silver, representative works of our colonial ancestors. Afterwards, we stop at a winery to learn about wines, rewarded and recognized worldwide, complementing also with cheeses and regional products. Finally, we visit a pottery factory, which reflects the pre-Hispanic cultures of the Northwest of Argentina.

Rest of the day at leisure

Accommodation in Design Suites Salta Hotel, Junior Suite Double Room

Meals: breakfast.




Gastronomic Tour

For lovers of fine cuisine, a day to enjoy the regional cuisine of the Northwest. During the morning, a visit to San Miguel

Market, where local products and spices, and various oddities will capture the attention of many. Based on a list according to the dish to cook, we ́ll seek out the best ingredients as well as being in contact with local culture. We develop a kitchen activity, where customs and stories will be shared at a regional cuisine while the dish is prepared advised by a local chef, to conclude finally tasting the same.

In the afternoon Folklore Tailor-made*

A special and different activity for learning the basic steps and perhaps encourage our visitors to dance in a Peña. Salta is the birthplace of folklore and singers, so for those interested who want to participate in music and dance, we offer two hours of classes by prominent dancers of La Vieja Estación. Gatos, chacareras and zambas, be part of the memory of Salta, in addition to its landscape and its wines.

*Entrance to the peña, dinner at the peña and transfer from Peña to hotel not included.

Accommodation in Design Suites Salta Hotel, Junior Suite Double Room

Meals: breakfast and lunch tasting with 1 non alcoholic drink per person.



Breakfast at hotel.

The Calchaqui Valleys 2 days excursion

Day 1: The journey starts from Salta city to the south, through route 68 going past different towns of Lerma Valley. Arrival to Cachi at lunch time. The trip continues down route 40 to admire mountainous landscapes with towns of great enchantment.

Bordering the Calchaquí river, you can observe historical towns such as Seclantas, Molinos, Angastaco, San Carlos and Animana.

By the end of the afternoon we arrive to Cafayate, where we spend the night.

Accommodation in Patios de Cafayate Hotel, Vines Double Room

Meals: breakfast.



Breakfast at hotel.

Day 2: On the following day we visit some wineries, and after having lunch, we return to Salta through The Shells´ Gorge, visiting the peculiar rock formations caused by the rain and wind, such as The Amphitheatre, or The Devil´s Throat. We arrive to Salta after crossing The Lerma Valley.

Accommodation in Design Suites Salta Hotel, Junior Suite Double Room

Meals: breakfast.



Breakfast at hotel.

At scheduled time, transfer from Design Suites Salta Hotel to Salta Airport.

Meals: breakfast


*End of services*

Services Included





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