10 days | 9 nights

A transportation service and a guide will pick you up from the airport at the scheduled time to transfer you to your hotel in Lima. The Peruvian capital is a modern metropolis full of history and is home to approximately 10 million inhabitants. The city which is currently undergoing an exciting process of cultural and economic changes. Overnight at the selected hotel in Lima.


Breakfast at the hotel. Explore Lima ́s old town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site packed with fascinating historic buildings. Start with a scenic tour in the colonial downtown, which radiates from the Main Square, where you can appreciate the grandiose architecture of the Spanish Empire. Be amazed by Lima ́s Cathedral, built during the 16th century and took over 80 years to complete. Then visit the Casa Aliaga, a colonial mansion granted in 1535 by chief conquistador Francisco Pizarro to Jerónimo de Aliaga, one of his captains. This is the only house from that time that still belongs to the same family after all these centuries. Continue to the Larco Museum, located in the traditional Pueblo Libre district, which is housed in a beautifully restored vice regal mansion built on a pre-Columbian pyramid from the VII century. The museum boasts the most complete pre-Hispanic collection of gold and silver objects, as well as pieces of erotic art. Finally, you will be transferred to the hotel. Overnight at the selected hotel in Lima on bed and breakfast basis.


Breakfast at the hotel. You will be transferred from the hotel to Lima airport. Once you arrive at the airport of Cusco, a transportation service will be there transfer you to your hotel. A representative will inform you about the attractions and services that the city has to offer. The tour begins in Coricancha, also known as ‘The Temple of the Sun’, which was built by order of Inca Pachacuti and at the arrival of the Spaniards became the basis for the construction of the Santo Domingo Convent. Then, you will visit the Cathedral, the most imposing monument of the Main Square, whose construction was completed in 1654. Then, you will head to Sacsayhuaman, one of the emblematic buildings of the Incas, erected by Inca Pachacuti in the 15th century. It is an immense fortress built with large stones, whose transfer and assembling is still a mystery. Every June 24, during the winter solstice, the festival of Inti Raymi, in which the sun is worshipped, is recreated. Continue to Qenqo, an archaeological complex of religious use, where agricultural rituals were held. To conclude, you will visit Puka Pukara, seven kilometres from the city. Puka Pukara, which means ‘red fort,’ was an architectural complex of supposed military use with multiple environments, plazas,baths, aqueducts, and towers. It is believed that it was used by the Inca entourage while the leader rested in Tambomachay. When finished, you will return to the hotel. Overnight at the selected hotel in Cusco on bed and breakfast basis.


Breakfast at the hotel. A transportation service will pick you up from your hotel in Cusco and transfer you to the Ollanta Sation. Your trip to Machu Picchu will start with a train ride to the town of Aguas Calientes. Aguas Calientes has a handicrafts market, restaurants, and accommodation of different categories for those who prefer to spend the night next to the mountain and then visit it early next morning. After a short trip, you will arrive at Machu Picchu, a masterpiece of engineering and architecture that served as a sanctuary and resting place for Inca Pachacuti. Machu Picchu means ‘Old Mountain’, and was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is also one of the new seven wonders of the world. At the end of the tour, you will return by bus to Aguas Calientes, where you will enjoy a delicious lunch at the Café Inkaterra. Free afternoon. Overnight at selected hotel in Aguas Calientes.


Breakfast at the hotel. You can return to Machu Picchu and visit any of the attractions that the citadel keeps: the Intipunku (‘Puerta del Sol’) was a of control gate, from where the sun rises every day. You can climb the Huayna Picchu (subject to space availability), which means ‘Young Mountain’. Its ascent takes about an hour and the ‘Temple of the Moon’, an underground complex of constructions probably intended for the use of the elite, can be visited in the way. Finally, you can visit the Inca Bridge, an amazing stone construction that served as an entrance or exit to the citadel. In the afternoon you will be transferred to the Aguas Calientes train station to headback to the Ollanta station, from where you will be transferred to your hotel in Cusco. Overnight at the selected hotel in Cusco on bed and breakfast basis.


DAY 6: CUSCO – PUNO (357km – 6 h)
Breakfast at the hotel. You will be transferred to the bus station. The journey to Puno will have three stops; the first one at Andahuaylillas, a town located 40 kilometers from Cusco whose main attraction is the Church of Andahuaylillas. also called the “Sistine Chapel of America” due to the high quality art found in it. The structure was built in the sixteenth century on construction sites of possibly the Wari culture. Today it
houses a recently restores organ with its original tubes. The journey continues to Racchi, where the Temple of Wiracocha is located; a surprising and singular rectangular building, 30 meters wide and 20 high, similar to a wall. It has windows and doors and is thought of as the highest roof of the Inca Empire. You will stop for lunch in Sicuani, and then make a brief stop at La Raya, the highest of the road between Puno and Cusco on the 4313 m point. From here, 61 kilometers from the city of Juliaca, you will reach the village of Pucara, where the Lithic Pucara Museum is located. This town was the first urban settlement of the lake itself and developed between 100 and 300AC. Finally, you will take the last journey to the city of Puno and be transferred to your selected hotel. Overnight at the selected hotel in Puno on bed and breakfast basis. Lunch included.


Breakfast at the hotel. Upon your arrival at Puno’s lake port, a vessel will take you to the floating islands of the Uros. Uros are an ancestral society that inhabits a series of artificial islands built with totora, a reed that grows in the lake. The islands are built by weaving this reed in the places where they grow the thickest and form a natural layer. They build their totora houses over it and cook in the open air to prevent possible fires. After a one and a half-hour tour, you will continue your trip to the Taquile Island. Unlike other islands, inhabited by Aymara-speaking people in the lake, its residents speak Quechua. It was part of the Inca Empire and it is possible to note vestiges of said culture in their buildings. Upon your arrival, you will receive a brief explanation on the island and will attend a cultural activity. You will return to Puno after lunch. Overnight at the selected hotel in Puno on bed and breakfast basis. Lunch included.


Breakfast at the hotel. During the morning, you will be transferred to the Sanctuary of Copacabana to board the catamaran cruise, where you can enjoy a snack while sailing to Sun Island, cradle of the Inca Empire. In this
legendary island you will visit the Garden, Inca steps and fountain and Cultural Complex Inti Wata, the main private tourist attraction in Bolivia, which includes the underground museum Ekako, centers of traditional medicine and raft totora elaboration, the Intica shelter and the largest variety of Andean camelids located in the “Manco Kapac” viewpoint. Visit to the Inti Wata complex also includes the possibility of sailing on board an immense typical raft of Totora and a visit to the Inca palace Pilkokaina. Later, you will return to the catamaran to go to Chua port and along the way enjoy a buffet lunch. Then you will be transferred by road to the city of La Paz. Overnight at the selected hotel in La Paz on bed and breakfast basis. Lunch included.


Breakfast at the hotel. You will start your tour to the city, visiting Saint Francis’ Church and the Witches’ Market, a shopping area where it is possible to get all the supplies that local healers use for their rituals. You will then head to the Moon Valley, an area with strange clay geological formations caused by wind erosion on a mountain top. Overnight at the selected hotel in La Paz on bed and breakfast basis.


Breakfast at the hotel. A transportation service will transfer you from the selected hotel to the airport. A representative will assist you during the journey. Breakfast included.

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