4 days | 3 nights


Private transfer from Ezeiza Airport to the hotel (only driver).

Rest of the day at leisure.

In the evening, Tango Dinner Show at Café de los Angelitos (standard menu) with transfers.

The Café de los Angelitos is a living witness of more than one hundred years of Buenos Aires history,and today, at the vanguard of the Tango, travels luxuriously and distinguishedly with his Show a whole era, and writes the first page of the next story …

The show lasts approximately 1 hour 20 minutes and consists of a band (a quintet: piano, bass, two bandoneons and a violin), two singers, and five couples of dancers choreographed and directed by Sandra Bootz and Gabriel Ortega.

The show goes through the history of tango from the 1920s to Piazzolla, with some modern touches. It is a dynamic and intense show that astonishes the spectator in a very special atmosphere. (3 course meal with drinks included)

Accommodation at Esplendor Plaza Francia Hotel, with breakfast.

Meals: dinner.



Breakfast at hotel.

4 hours Tango tour in private

There’s something magical about Tango which is capable of reaching anyone’s heart: in places as distant as Helsinki or Tokyo, people who have never set foot on Argentina, seduced by the mystery and sensuality of this dance, suddenly feel the urge to learn it, and to visit the place of its origins. On this fantastic tour, we’ll trace back the history of tango, from its suburban origin, through its officialization on Corrientes Avenue to its internationalization.

Although there are many theories about its origins, often contradictory, it’s generally accepted that Tango was born in a context of great cultural mixture. In the late 19th century, Buenos Aires received a tremendous amount of immigrants from Europe; this caused the city’s population to increase dramatically, and for some time the native population was outnumbered by immigrants. Most of them were young working-class males. As a consequence, there soon was a shortage of women, and brothels, located on the geographical and political margins of the city, became a mandatory gathering place, and a melting pot where different languages and ways of life started to mix. Lunfardo, a sort of Porteño slang that combines words from many different languages and dialects, and primitive Tango, which was danced by men only while they waited for their turn at the brothel, was a product of this melting pot.

Our visit starts at the National Tango Academy , where we’ll learn about its rich history and its many legends and anecdotes. In a word, it will be a homage to Tango, from its roots to the present. We next visit the former suburbs of old Buenos Aires, where the city met the country. We’ll then head for La Boca , a working-class port district, where the largest part of the Italian immigration, mainly from Genoa, settled in the late 19th century. There, we’ll visit its emblematic tenement houses, communal homes where many families from different places (though united in poverty) used to reside crammed together. As Tango became more popular, it moved from the suburbs to the center, and thanks to popular theatre and the apogee of the radio era, it gained enormous popularity, until it reached Corrientes Street , our very own Broadway, nicknamed “the city that never sleeps” for its frantic activity. Since then, Tango has been considered Buenos Aires’ cultural icon par excellence. When we’re done walking down Corrientes Street (which, frankly speaking, is actually an Avenue), we’ll visit the Palais de Glace, an elegant ballroom where the wealthy classes started to dance the tango; precisely, they are responsible for exporting tango to Europe. The final internationalization of tango took place when Carlos Gardel, the greatest tango singer of all times, took tango to the silver screen of Hollywood.

Finally, we’ll visit the neighborhood of Abasto , where Gardel was born. Originally a suburb, and then one of Buenos Aires’ ‘uglier’ neighborhoods, it seems to keep fighting every effort made to clean its image and to include it in the mainstream tour circuit. The neighborhood, home of many Milongas were the purest form of tango is danced, still keeps its distinctive character, and you can still see kids playing soccer on the sidewalk and people sharing a popular mate on their doorsteps. We’ll visit the house where Carlos Gardel used to live, recently declared national heritage, and the fascinating Pasaje Zelaya, where we’ll see the murals painted by Marino Santa Marina to honor Gardel.

Accommodation at Esplendor Plaza Francia Hotel, with breakfast.

Meals: breakfast.



Breakfast at hotel.

1 Hour Tango Lesson at Carlos Copello´s academy, in private.

This is an opportunity not to be missed: an actual Tango lesson at Carlos Copello’s academy, one of the greatest Tango dancers in the world! Classes are held in private, with world-class instructors.

Once the tango lessons are over, 4 hours Tour to Milongas.

In recent years, Tango has experienced a real boom, thanks to visitors and also to the new Argentine generations who have set themselves to reclaim their rich heritage. Indeed, the young have revitalized the itinerating Milongas circuit, establishments where people of very different ages, origins and social situations dance until very late at night the most authentic form of Tango (also called Milonga), away from the spotlights of the commercial circuit. Each Milonga has its own working hours, its own dancing style and its own crowd; we’ll visit two of them, depending on the day the tour is scheduled.

Accommodation at Esplendor Plaza Francia Hotel, with breakfast.

Meals: breakfast.



Breakfast at hotel.

At scheduled time, private transfer from Hotel to Ezeiza Airport (only driver).

Meals: breakfast.


*End of services*

Services Included





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