5 days | 4 nights

Pre Tour in Ushuaia
Transfer from Ushuaia Airport to Arakur Hotel.
Rest of the day at leisure.
Accommodation in Arakur Hotel, with breakfast.
Meals: none.
Breakfast at hotel.
Half day Tierra del Fuego National Park Excursion with End of the World Train.
Leaving Ushuaia city Southwest, we will travel through national route number 3, towards Tierra del
Fuego’s National Park. Along the eleven kilometers that separate the entrance of the Park and the city
of Ushuaia, we will make a stop near the Centro Hípico (Riding Club), where we will enjoy some
excellent panoramic views of the Beagle Channel, Ushuaia`s Peninsula and Bridges`, Willie’s and Les
Eclauriers’ Islands.
After crossing River Pipo’s bridge, next to Ushuaia’s Golf Club, we will arrive at the End of the World
End of the World Train
The train leaves the End of the World Station travelling along the same embankment used by the
Convict Train 100 years ago. It runs through the “Cañadón del Toro” and crosses the Pipo River over
the “Puente Quemado” (Burnt Bridge), where you can see the wooden ruins of the old bridge
underneath the new one.
After that, the train stops at the “Estación Cascada La Macarena” (Macarena Waterfall Station) where
visitors can go down to a reconstructed Indian campsite, typical of one of the four native tribes that
lived in Ushuaia for thousands of years: the Yamanas.
At this point it is possible to go up the steps to see the “Macarena Waterfall”, whose source is in the
“Le Martial” mountain range, offering a fabulous view of the Pipo River Valley.
The train enters the Tierra del Fuego National Park. Following the Pipo River the train crosses
different sites where the prisoners worked every day for 50 years cutting down trees.
The train arrives at the “Estación del Parque”(National Park Station),where the journey ends.
We continue our drive for 2 more kilometers and enter the National Park, an area reserved to protect
the Subantartic Forest and its native flora and fauna.
From this spot we will be able to take a glimpse of both Redonda and Estorbo Islands. Through a path
surrounded by Lenga forests and peats, we will reach Lake Roca, a glacial lake, with a surface of 5,50
square kilometers, and framed by mountains and forests, where we can likely be able to see different
native birds.
We will have around 30 minutes time to be at the services area. The last part of the excursion leads
us to Lapataia Bay. Along the way we will cross Cormorants Islands, get to see other peats and also
visit a beaver dam. Once in Lapataia Bay, besides the marine coast, rich in mollusks and mussels, we
will find traces of the ancient native settlers that used to live in the region. We will have some time to
walk through the footbridge, from which we will be able to take photographs and enjoy the feeling of
being at the end of the world.
From this spot, the end of National Route number 3, we will begin our journey back to the city of
Rest of the day at leisure.
Accommodation in Arakur Hotel, with breakfast.
Meals: breakfast.
Breakfast at hotel.
Transfer from Arakur hotel to Port.

Check in at the Australis travel center at 409 San Martín Ave. in downtown Ushuaia between 10:00
and 17:00 (10 AM-5 PM) on the day of your cruise departure. Board at 18:00 (6:00PM).

After a welcoming toast and introduction of captain and crew, the ship departs for one of the most
remote corners of planet Earth. During the night we traverse the Beagle Channel and cross from
Argentine into Chilean territorial waters. The lights of Ushuaia disappear as we turn into the narrow Murray Channel between Navarino and Hoste islands.

Meals: lunch and dinner.


By early morning, the ship is cruising across Nassau Bay into the remote archipelago that includes
Cape Horn National Park. Weather and sea conditions permitting, we shall go ashore on the
windswept island that harbors legendary Cape Horn (Cabo de Hornos). Discovered in 1616 by a
Dutch maritime expedition — and named after the town of Hoorn in West Friesland — Cape Horn is a
sheer 425-meter (1,394-foot) high rocky promontory overlooking the turbulent waters of the Drake
Passage. For many years it was the only navigation route between the Pacific and Atlantic, and was
often referred to as the “End of the Earth.” The park was declared a World Biosphere Reserve by
UNESCO in 2005. The Chilean navy maintains a permanent lighthouse on the island, staffed by a
lightkeeper and his family, as well as the tiny Stella Maris Chapel and modern Cape Horn Monument.

Sailing back across Nassau Bay, we anchor at fabled Wulaia Bay, one of the few places in the
archipelago where the human history is just as compellingas the natural environment. Originally the
site of one of the region’s largest Yámana aboriginal settlements, the bay was described by Charles
Darwin and sketched by Captain FitzRoy in the 1830s during their voyages on the HMS Beagle. This
area is also renowned for its mesmerizing beauty and dramatic geography. After a visit to the
Australis-sponsored museum in the old radio station — which is especially strong on the Yámana
people and European missionaries in the area — passengers have a choice of three hikes (of
increasing degrees of difficulty) that ascend the heavily wooden mountain behind the bay. On all of
these you will be strolling through an enchanted Magellan forest of lengas, coigües, canelos, ferns,
and other endemic fauna to reach a panoramic viewpoint overlooking the bay. Before leaving Wulaia
Bay, drop something into the wooden mail barrel inside the museum – letters or postcards meant to
be hand delivered by future travelers – an ancient mariner tradition revived by Australis.

Meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Casting off from Wulaia Bay, we retrace our route to the Beagle Channel and sail westward along the
southern edge of Tierra del Fuego into a section of Alberto de Agostini National Park called Glacier
Alley or Avenue of the Glaciers. Flowing down from the Darwin Mountains and Darwin Ice Sheet are a
number of impressive tidewater glaciers, most of them named after European countries — Holland,
Italy, Germany, Spain and France. In amongst this frozen league of nations we enter the narrow Pia
Fjord and board the Zodiacs for a shore excursion to Pia Glacier. No one knows for certain how the
hulking glacier got its feminine moniker, but one theory says it was named for princess Maria Pia of
Savoy (1847-1911), daughter of the Italian king. After disembarking we take a hort hike to gain a
panoramic view of the spectacular glacier, which extends from the mountaintops down to the sea or a
longer much more difficult walk up a lateral moraine of the old Pia Glacier.

Making our way further westalong the Beagle Channel, weenteranother long fjord and drop anchor
near Garibaldi Glacier foranother shoreexcursion. Garibaldi is one of only three glaciers in Patagonia
gaining mass rather than staying the same or slowly shrinking. This time we hike through virgin
Magellanic forest to a glacial waterfall, a towering wall of ferns and moss, and spectacular viewpoints
looking down on the glacier and fjord. The walk is demanding — very steep, negligible trail, rough
footing — and not for everyone. For those who choose to stay onboard, our captain will point the bow
towards the beautiful sky blue Garibaldi Glacier so everyone can enjoy the panoramic view from the
upper decks.

Meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Early in the morning, we will sail through the Cockburn Channel and enter Agostini Sound. From there
it is possible to see the glaciers that descend from the middle of the Darwin Mountain Range– some
of them reaching the water. This morning, we will disembarkand go foran easy walkaround alagoon,
which was formed by the melting of the Águila Glacier. We will reach a spot right in front of that glacier
with stunning views. In the afternoon, we will approach the Condor Glacier via Zodiac — and hopefully
see some of the abundant Andean Condors in the area.

Meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Afteran overnight cruisethat takes us backinto theStrait ofMagellan, weanchor offMagdalenaIsland,
which liesabout halfway between Tierra delFuego and the Chilean mainland. Crowned by a distinctive
lighthouse, the island used to be an essential source of supplies for navigators and explorers and is
inhabited by an immense colony of Magellanic penguins. At the break of dawn, weather permitting, we
go ashore and hike a path that leads through thousands of penguins to asmall museum lodged
insidethevintage 1902 lighthouse.Many other bird speciesarealso found on theisland. In September
and April — when the penguins dwell elsewhere — this excursion is replaced by a ride aboard Zodiacs
to Marta Island to observe South American sea lions.

After a short sail south along the strait, disembarkation at Punta Arenas is scheduled for around 11:30

NOTE: The excursions described in the itineraries can usually be carried out without any problems. Nevertheless,
the shipowner holds the right to alter, change or skip certain portions of the itinerary without prior notice, whether
motivated by the passengers’ well-being and safety, by the appropriate protection of the environment, or in case
of any extraordinary event, unforeseeable circumstance or force majeure. For this reason, departures or arrival
may be subject to change. Furthermore, sighting of birds and other species cannot be guaranteed as their exact
location is variable by nature.

NOTE: During the cruise members of Australis expedition teams will host interesting presentations on the wildlife,
history and geography of this legendary region. The presentations will take place both on board (with audio-visual
support) and on land.

Meals: breakfast.

*End of services*

Services Included





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